Your "balancing" of responsibility is grossly unbalanced and proven incorrect by the events of this week. Woodward had an ethical and moral responsibility to make the information public, once he had it confirmed, which he told the Washington Post was not until May. Trump has a legal, constitutional, moral and ethical responsibility to protect the lives of the American people. Since Trump has no morals or ethics, that leaves his legal and constiutional duties, which he failed to meet. He was elected to protect lives; Woodward was not. Additionally, had Woodward released the information earlier, Trump could have claimed it was another "fake media", Washington Post, and Jeff Bezos attempt to "get him." Trump would have simply continued to deny the seriousness of COVID then, as he has done now by holding un-masked, socially UNdistanced mass rallies (5,000 people in Michigan yesterday), on the day AFTER the tape came out revealing that Trump KNEW COVID was deadly and airborne. If Woodward's going public with the information should have made a difference in February, it should have made a difference yesterday. Even after 200,000 deaths--including some in my own family--Trump continues to lie and continues to deny what he knows to be true: COVID kills and spreads in the air. You conveniently ignore the facts right in front of your masked face. Shame on you.