The New Freak Show: Jenner’s Genitals, Gay/Trans Bashing Trumpites, and the GOP.

Steve Villano
5 min readApr 25, 2021
You might remember Diane Sawyer’s ABC-TV interview with then-Bruce, soon-to-be Caitlyn Jenner, six years ago, on April 25, 2015, when Sawyer treated her tour of Jenner’s closet full of dresses as if she had discovered the original Dead Sea Scrolls. Now, the media-driven freak show continues, as Jenner, now Caitlyn, runs for Governor of California. Can another fawning Diane Sawyer interview be far behind?

I don’t care about Bruce or Caitlyn Jenner’s genitals. I don’t care if they’re male or female, intersex or no sex at all. It’s her biz, not mine.

I do care about the emotional torture people experience when they have questions about their gender identity or sexuality, especially if they are fragile adolescents, struggling to…

