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I Have A Crush On Jen Psaki.
I have a crush on Jen Psaki.
I know, I know. At my age, it’s tacky.
But, I do have a crush on Jen Psaki.
No, it’s not her soft, red hair,
Nor her Jessica Chastain style.
I love how smart and poised she is —
And that sweet, disarming smile.
I have a crush on Jen Psaki —
Call it professional admiration.
She’s the opposite of lying political lackeys,
Like Spicer, Sarah Hucksterbee, & Kayleigh Damnation.
She learned from Tom Harkin, Obama & Kerry,
Speaking, writing, staying calm and quite merry.
I once did the same work for Mario Cuomo,
But, my somber demeanor better suited Milan’s Duomo.
So, I have a crush on Jen Psaki,
And happy she’s not related to George Pataki.
She’s bright and honest, prepared and cool —
And doesn’t lose her temper with Fox’s fools.
Yes, I have a crush on Jen Psaki,
And Press Briefings as satisfying as Greek Souvlaki!