I Am A Ghost.

Steve Villano
Sep 12, 2021


Image of my own reflection, taken at World Trade Center site, 9/11/2021.

I am a ghost.

My memories are quaint, dead.

I want people to mourn quietly,

Cellphones banned in sacred places.

Selfies, taken with luminescent gravestone towers of light, illegal.

I want Frank Sinatra impersonators,

And souvenir hawkers,

And religious zealots

And boom boxes

And Chick Fillet eating millennials

Not alive when the Towers toppled,

To be kept away from the WTC site

Where my soul was scattered asunder.

I am a ghost.

I want the two symbolic towers of light

To come from the Tower footprints —

Now the eternal waterfalls of memory-

Not from a parking lot blocks away.

I am a ghost.

I want the truth.

I want others to feel our pain,

And not use 9/11 as a reason to party,

Or to mistake the two spotlights

For a movie premiere.



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